Welcome to Digi Digital Social Media Page Set-Up Career Model. This Social Media Page Set-Up Career model is made and devided with some sub-categories. The sub-categories and the insensitive prises are listed below.
By joining Digi Digital Career model, the person will be get a own portfolio website for the convenience of marketing. Also the person will get a personal dashboard with Login/password to manage their work progress and earning history. With this facilities, free gifts are being rewarded frequently to those persons who perform their marketing very well and their progress are being recorded.
A base budget of the total budget of Social Media Page Set-Up category has been taken and an incentive price has been fixed by a persentage of that base budget. The incentive prices are different for the different persentages of Social Media Page Set-Up category.
- Price is ₹500 for normal page set-up, the incentive price is ₹100
Social Media pages like: Facebook Page, Facebook Business Page, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Etc.
Price of social media page set-up and the incentive price could vary for more optimization of the page.
- Price is ₹1000 for normal page set-up, the incentive price is ₹200
Social Media pages like: Facebook Page, Facebook Business Page, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Etc.
Price of social media page set-up and the incentive price could vary for more optimization of the page.
- Price is ₹1200 for normal page set-up, the incentive price is ₹300
Social Media pages like: Facebook Page, Facebook Business Page, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Etc.
Price of social media page set-up and the incentive price could vary for more Search Engine Optimization service (SEO) of the page.
Professional page set-up attracts more audience for growing business. Optimized page can get more relevant traffic to main page and website.